What is 4Crowd?
4Crowd is the easiest way to get in direct contact with local businesses online.
Businesses You Know — Any website can add the Free 4Crowd Widget to their website. As you browse business websites with this Widget, you can ask that business a question by simply typing it into the widget. You don't need to fill in any information about yourself. Businesses can respond online through the 4Crowd conversation system by simply adding their response.
And Those You Don't — Many times you know what product or service you need, but don't know what businesses provide it. Instead of asking business after business, you can ask a "crowd" of all local businesses with one question. Those businesses who do what you are looking for can respond online.
Businesses You Know
You can ask any business a question directly from their website if they have the free 4Crowd widget.
Just Ask Your Question — Just type in your question for that business and post it. No more filling out annoying contact forms with lots of required fields when all you want to do is ask a question.
Facebook Login — You don't even need to type in any information about yourself. By simply logging in with Facebook, you can instantly post your question.
Get Responses Online — Someone from that business will respond online by simply commenting on your question. You can respond back if you need to discuss further. It is as simply as posting responses on Facebook. Plus, new responses show up automatically - you don't even need to refresh the page.
You Know What You Want, But Not What Businesses Provide It
If you are looking for a product or service, ask all local businesses with one question and those who do what you are looking for will respond.
Crowd-Based Communication — Instead of contacting individual businesses and repeating your story over and over, 4Crowd lets you contact all local businesses with one message. Any business can respond from the crowd that you ask.
Real-Time Responses — 4Crowd is built using the latest in web technology. Businesses can respond as soon as you ask your question. You don't even need to refresh the page - responses show up automatically.
Protecting Your Privacy — Businesses can only reply by commenting on your post. At any point if you don't want to hear from anymore businesses, simply close the feed to new responses. You are in control of your privacy.